A look at Survival and Preparedness, Firearms, Ham Radio, German Shepherds, Photography and other related stuff! 73 Later, ZombieAxe :-)


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ramblings on the TV show V...

Howdy Folks,

If you get a chance watch the pilot of "V" on ABC watch it... All I have to say is WOW!!! The political undertones poked me in my chest like a red hot poker. Someone must be upset with how current politicians and the media are acting these days.

Here is some dialogue from the show:

The two priests had an interesting conversation:

The younger priest says to the older priest, "It bothers me that they showed up right when we needed them the most. The world is in bad shape father, who wouldn't welcome a savior right now?"

The older priest replies, "I agree that they are a godsend. And we should be grateful. "

The younger priest says, "But that is the danger. Under the right conditions and enough time gratitude can morph into worship. Or worse, devotion." "

Before an interview with Anna (head lizard person formerly the companion on the excellent TV series Firefly), the reporter is told "Be sure to not to ask us anything that would paint us in a negative light. Don't ask us any questions that would portray us negatively. We can't be seen in a negative light."

The reporter is reluctant to do so but with the threat of a cancelled interview and the promise of elevating his career he relents.

At the beginning of the televised interview, Anna (head lizard person) says "Please feel free to ask anything and everything. I am here to discuss all topics without reserve."

After the interview Anna's assistant tells the reporter, "Compromising one's principles for the greater good is not a shameful act. It is a noble one."

At the end the FBI agent(you know the chick from Lost) tells the younger priest, "They are arming themselves with the most powerful weapon out there. Devotion."

Great show! There are some other goodies in there as well!

Maybe I am reading it wrong, take what you will, "But I see what I what see!"


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The information presented in this blog are things I know how to do and have training for. To duplicate any information or techniques within is solely at the readers risk and ZombieAxe, ZombieAxe's Ramblings or Google shall not be liable for any advice and information posted within that results in damage/loss of property, injury, loss of limb, or death. By reading this blog you, your family, your heirs and even folks that have not been born yet, have entered into an electronic binding contract to not hold any entity liable (especially ME!) but YOURSELF for any damage/loss of property, injury, loss of limb, or death from reading this blog.

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To the Federal Trade Commison:Zombie Axe/Zombie Axe's Ramblings is not being paid by anyone, bribed with free gear to test, or offered free trips to exotic locals to 'give good press' for a product. All products were personally purchased by myself with the intention of using them for myself and any thing I plug on this blog is an item I recommend because I HAVE TESTED IT and found it worthy of mention. Go after those travel agents who get the free cruises and leave us legit non commercial bloggers alone.

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Zombie Axe