So maybe you folks have heard about this crazy thing called a hamfest and have been wondering what the heck is a HAMFEST???
First of all, although the name Ham is in it, it has NOTHING to do with Ham. I have seen some ham biscuits for sale though.
A hamfest is many things. It is a place to buy some new communication gear, some old gear, accessories and mainly a place for hams to finally get a chance to meet face to face after all those wireless coversations. It is also a place to learn new things and well as an opportunity to take a test to get your license or an upgrade.
Ham Radio Operators are also called Amateur Radio operators but we just usually refer to ourselves as 'hams'.
You can also test out some of the newest gear at the manufacturer booths at the larger hamfests (Kenwood and Yaesu were present at this one).
Today,I planned to meet up with a few folks at the Charlotte Hamfest. It was a rainy day. IOW it was a prefect day for an INDOOR hamfest. I browsed around with Freedom Defender from who was in town to take the Technician test. Which I am happy to say he aced!!! Congrats Freedom Defender!!!
I picked up some cool toys as well as all the latest catalogs from the dealers.
I also some ideas for some new antennas. There was a really nice idea of someone using electric horse fence tape for making a dipole antenna... Pretty impressive!
So if there is a hamfest coming to YOUR town be sure to check it out. Also I encourage you to get your ham radio license and just for clarification, THERE IS NO LONGER ANY MORSE CODE REQUIREMENT, so NO EXCUSES!
Take it easy, 73 (ham speak for best wishes) and thanks for reading!!!